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Forse potrebbero interessarti questi articoli:
Smart Working: things that experts say about new law, and you need to know (part 1)

OPEN SPACE's model seems to have failed. The open and shared workspace that appeared to be the answer to the solitary and alienating routine is not effective, and it also has deleterious effects on productivity. Spread in recent years to improve teamwork and encourage a constant stream of ideas among colleagues, it now seems to […]

API first: the importance of an API centered approach in native cloud app development

The advent of the cloud has determined a remarkable review of software and application development paradigms. Probably though, despite the feverish evolution of "Cloud" services, a non-technical user wouldn’t be perfectly able to perceive the extent of their impact on the design and development paradigm of application software. It wouldn’t even be enough to emphasize […]

IoT, an interesting journey

In the first post related to the IoT platform we talked about some introductory aspects: The importance of using an IoT platform for disaster prediction, showing a real project for monitoring the structure of bridges and tunnels (NTSG partner) The meaning of IoT data storm (how much data are we talking about) That importance of […]



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