Risultati di ricerca

PNRR 2022, the Digital Transition according to GreenVulcano

In an increasingly dynamic, fast-paced, and interconnected world, it is crucial to innovate fast and to innovate our infrastructures to keep up with a constantly changing world (and market). Smart mobility, Smart Infrastructures, Industry 4.0, Hyper Automation, and PNRR are the cornerstones on which GreenVulcano is working, to accompany Italian companies towards the digital transition […]

Encontrack and GreenVulcano: let's talk with the CTO of Encontrack.

Today we want to talk about Encontrack, the leading Telematics Service Provider in the Mexican market. It counts 8 of the top 10 insurance companies as Insurance Telematics customers and offers Stolen Vehicle Recovery and Fleet services. It currently has 160,000 devices installed on cars and commercial vehicles.  But who is Encontrack? Let's hear what […]

#WizardsBehindTheCurtain: interview to Paolo Buccigrossi

People before all, for more than twenty years. That’s why we launched #WizardsBehindTheCurtain: to introduce you to the stories and projects of those who work with us every day. Today, it’s Paolo Buccigrossi's turn, our veteran team leader. He will tell us about his experience in GreenVulcano and what motivates him every day. Let’s get […]

To get locked-in or not to get locked-in? That is the question!

Have you ever heard of vendor lock-in? What is it and how can it become a commitment for suppliers and their customers? Often, the goal of suppliers is to solidify a direct, continuous, and trusting relationship and loyalty with their customers. This type of relationship, however, is not always easy to manage. The vendor lock-in […]

Usage-based insurance & Telematics: nuovi paradigmi e prospettive future

"Nonostante il crollo del mercato dell'auto nel 2020, le soluzioni per l'auto intelligente e connessa hanno retto l'urto della pandemia, segnando solo una leggera flessione, compensata dalla crescita dei veicoli connessi circolanti in Italia e delle componenti del mercato più innovative, come i servizi abilitati dai dati raccolti dalle smart car – ha affermato Giulio […]

Connected mobility and black boxes: current evolutions in the insurance market

In 2020, the market of solutions for connected cars reached a value of 1.8 billion euros, according to a recent research of Osservatorio Connected Car & Mobility by Politecnico di Milano’s School of Management presented during the online conference “Connected Car & Mobility: how to rewrite future mobility”. One third of the market is represented […]

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