In 2020, the market of solutions for connected cars reached a value of 1.8 billion euros, according to a recent research of Osservatorio Connected Car & Mobility by Politecnico di Milano’s School of Management presented during the online conference “Connected Car & Mobility: how to rewrite future mobility”. One third of the market is represented by ADAS, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, installed on new vehicles. They are electronic aiding systems designed to enhance safety and to gather useful data for the monitoring of several parameters.  

According to one of the reports of MarketsandMarkets, the demand for ADAS in Europe will be encouraged by new European laws and regulations. Starting from 2022, in fact, these systems will be mandatory in new vehicles. For older vehicles, instead, drivers will have to upgrade within May 2024

Companies are increasingly more often drafting strategies to make the best of data gathered by smart carsan and adopt new pricing models that involve the purchase of car or road-related smart services or even pay-per-use modalities” - Giovanni Miragliotta, Scientific Area Manager of  Osservatorio Connected Car & Mobility says.

In the next years, the development of connected car won’t depend only on their growing diffusion or their traditional functionalities, but also on the possibility of conceiving cars as a “smart” sales channel to bring the customers innovative services and advanced product functionalities subject to payment - such as the extension of an electric car’s battery life or engine improvements” - Miragliotta adds. 

Data and Technologies for Connected Cars

The interest for connected cars stems from the numerous benefits gathered data and technologies provide to consumers, companies and public administrations. Just think of data allowing fleet managers to limit frauds, to encourage a safer driving style and to plan maintenance in advance, saving on time and costs.

Besides these perks, we also find smart road projects, such as the one planned by ANAS, whose goal is to provide the country with an efficient road system, with constant improvements and openness to future challenges: from power supplies to assisted driving and beyond, as for the case of self-driving vehicles.

Another opportunity provided by ADAS is the possibility of underwriting insurance policies whose premium changes according to the number of systems installed in the vehicle. Thanks to such devices, insurers can access different kinds of data, specific to each vehicle and with a certain weight on the final premium (such as information about safety optionals). For instance, brake assistance systems reduced claim risks of 38% compared to older cars. This way, the insurance company can carry out a more precise calculation of the risk of potential claims and work out accurate premiums.

Black box and the benefits for insurers

The new paradigms we foresee will be vehicle to vehicle  (V2V) and vehicle to connected object (V2CO). This means that our cities will be invaded by sensors for the constant and continuous monitoring of environmental conditions that could affect cars and drivers. The gathered information will, thus, trigger Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) that will in turn notify and assist drivers in critical situations” - Marco D’Ambrosio, Business Developer at GreenVulcano, stated.

Among the most widespread connected objects for cars we find black boxes or telematic boxes, mobile electronic devices provided with GPS detectors and able to record a large amount of data regarding the driver’s driving behavior, claims included. Their adoption is advocated by insurance companies since it works against frauds and theft, thanks to vehicle geolocation and the simplification of data recovery and collection about the drivers’ behavior. 

An investigation by ANIA (the Italian National Association of Insurance Companies) established that those who have a black box installed in their car presents a more responsible driving style, reducing the risk of claims - and therefore, a reduction in the price of traditional car insurance policies.

Being provided with a connected device and a platform able to read gathered data in real-time allows insurance companies, consumers, and fleet managers to keep constant control of their vehicles (or fleets) and the underwritten insurance policies.

GreenVulcano, always aware of market evolutions regarding connected mobility, contributed to the development of this market too, thanks to its 20-year-old experience in the field of telematics and more than 10 million monitored vehicles for its partners. One of the offered solutions is the Pay Per Mile service, a device that collects data about the journey of the vehicle, analyzes weather conditions and potential accidents on the road, defines the driving style of the insured driver and generates a custom policy with the possibility to buy kilometers at convenient prices. Moreover, thanks to a unique vehicle identification number, it can monitor whether the device is moved from a vehicle to another (in case the insured owns more than one vehicle).

The transition to Industry 4.0, on one hand, and the Covid19 pandemic on the other, led multinationals and small and medium enterprises to redefine the logic and the process behind their companies and to adapt to make the best out of these new scenarios.

In particular, the fields of mobility and telematics (for a detailed analysis of these two fields, please, check our other article Greenvulcano Technologies and the digital transformation of the telematics industry) which dramatically plunged during 2020, are now experiencing a progressive reprise, driven by the increasing spread of electric cars and of those connected to the web (connected cars). According to the estimates of ABI Research, these latter’s sales are increasing at a 20% rate, thanks to the introduction of new technological solutions such as artificial intelligence (AI), 5G and augmented reality.

Moreover, according to a study published by TechNavio, we can see how the field of mobility, or Mobility-as-a-Service, could reach 235 billion dollars within 2025 in the whole world, with a +29% growth starting from 2021.

Connected vehicles: what are they, what are the technologies and applications

As stated by Marco D’Ambrosio,  Head of Business Development at GreenVulcano:

«It’s already been ten years that vehicles connected to the telematics service providers’ technological infrastructure benefit from a wide range of services - enabled by GPRS and 4G connectivity. Some of these can be used directly by passengers and drivers, such as information services on traffic, navigation systems and scoring systems for the driver’s behavior. Others, such as fleet optimization and management or the use, maintenance and efficiency of vehicles, are managed mainly by the car manufacturers or the telematics service providers.»

One of the current trends among car manufacturers is to integrate - with prior consent of the user - telematics devices with built-in on-board Internet connectivity for the new models, so as to monitor and process detailed information regarding the same vehicle, GPS data, on-board diagnostics and OEM specifications - OEM standing for Original Equipment Manufacturer. Such information is then visualized through an online fleet management platform that allows for the extrapolation of relevant and valuable data for providers of insurance companies.

Moreover, D’Ambrosio added:

«In the next five years we’ll witness a revolution, a technological jump that will change the entire paradigm of the connected car - thanks to 5G that will massively introduce the market to Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS). These are indeed already present on newer generations of cars, although they are still at an embryonic stage.»

The introduction of 5G, indeed, will allow us to improve performance, speed and reliability of Internet connectivity in the mobility industry and to transfer large amounts of data in a dramatically shorter time than 4G.

What is the role of GreenVulcano Technologies in all this?

The role of GreenVulcano Technologies

GreenVulcano has always paid attention to the tech evolutions that concern the field of mobility. Thanks to its 20-year experience and the many collaborations with leader companies in the field, its goal is to develop the most efficient and effective solutions for services concerning:

«The new paradigm we’re foreseeing for the next few years will be vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-connected-object (V2CO). This means that our cities will be swarmed with monitoring sensors for constant monitoring of the environmental conditions that might affect driving. Just think of a smart camera that identifies a hole on the road or the presence of an accident or, even, a pedestrian crossing and then shares this information in real-time with the cars driving in that direction. Information gathered in this way, then, triggers Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) that can warn and assist the drivers in critical situations.» - D’Ambrosio concluded.

The participation of the Group at the OCTO Connected FORUM

«Connected mobility, hence, represents a revolution destined to leave a deep mark not only on our way to employ cars and transportation means but also, more broadly, on our lifestyles.» - as argued by Nicola Veratelli, CEO of OCTO Group and promoter of the OCTO Connected FORUM, an event on connected mobility occurring on September 17th.

The event will include all the key stakeholders in the field, in order to spark a debate and to confront each other on the priorities to face to enhance competitiveness and achieve the success of Smart Mobility in Italy.

GreenVulcano’s Telematics Business Division will be there too, as a technical supplier, at the FORUM organized by OCTO Telematics together with The European House Ambrosetti. What will be the topics of discussion? Among the most relevant, the participants will talk about vehicle and fleet management, drivers’ experiences, and smart infrastructure.

What are you waiting for? Come find us at the OCTO Connected FORUM and visit our website to learn more about solutions applied to the field of mobility.

The Industrial Internet of Things is deeply changing the way companies manage productive processes with the introduction of new business models. In particular, it allows companies across different fields to pursue a data-driven approach, turning the bulks of data produced by smart applications into a real competitive edge. 

State of the art and growing fieldsAccording to data published by the Osservatorio Internet of Things 2021 Observatory of the Polytechnic University of Milan, the total value of the Italian market reached 6 billion euros, withstanding the blow given by the pandemic.

Source: Politecnico di Milano / Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale

Although the highest growth is in the Smart Home environment, stimulated by the boom in vocal assistants and domotics, fields such as Smart Agriculture, Smart Factory, Smart Logistics and Smart Cities grew notably compared to 2019. Moreover, about 54% of big companies and 13% of Italian SMEs started at least an I-IoT project in the last three years - especially for what concerns analytics, cloud manufacturing, additive manufacturing and advanced automation. 

It shouldn’t come as a surprise, then, that the IDC study Worldwide Internet of Things Forecast, 2020-2025 argues that by 2025, there will be almost 55.9 billion connected devices and things in the world and almost 79.4 ZB generated data, with an astounding growth compared to the 13.6 ZB generated last year. An ecosystem, as stated by McKinsey in The Internet of Things: Mapping the value beyond the hype, valued at 11 trillion dollars annually.

What are, then, the benefits for companies? How can they catch the opportunities of the digital transformation promoted by the National Plan for the Transition 4.0?

The benefits of I-IoT 

From the research of the Polytechnic of Milan’s Osservatorio and the white paper we at GreenVulcano published in regard to this matter, we noticed that the presence of smart devices entails several benefits for consumers, enterprises and public administrations. Not only from an economic and financial perspective, but also for everything that concerns aspects of environmental sustainability and reduction of risk. Indeed, as stated by Angela Tumino, Director of the Osservatorio Internet of Things 2021:

The growth of digital culture in companies fostered the development of greater awareness of costs and the benefits enabled by IoT technologies for citizens, companies and public administrations in economic, environmental and risk-reduction terms. These benefits highlight how I-IoT can assume a key role in the digital transformation of the country.

It’s not a case that the growth of the Industrial Internet of Things allowed for the reduction in the gap between big enterprises and SMEs, willing to innovate themselves according to the rules of the Fourth Industrial Revolution - thanks to the support of the government who started the National Plan for the Transition 4.0 (for more information, read the article on innovation, tax reliefs and sustainability: a guide to the Transition 4.0 for companies). In particular, the fields one should invest to ride the wave of the digital transformation are:

The role of GreenVulcano Technologies

According to the numbers indicated and the contexts we work in - such as companies - it should be appropriate to highlight the importance of integration among production and data management systems. Nowadays, systems are often in line with the sales and accounting departments of companies, but they are not integrated for planning and production activities.

Specifically, the bulk of data generated by the application of I-IoT in companies and within the supply chain represents a value with enormous potential for companies. What are, then, the skills companies have to develop to analyze and manage the data gathered by connected plants and machines? What about our solutions and consulting services?

We’ve always presented ourselves as a partner able to provide targeted solutions to allow companies to ride the wave of this digital transformation. We have more than twenty years of experience in:

Do you want to know more about it? Do you want to discover innovative strategies and methodologies to optimize your company’s production processes and catch the greatest chances offered by the National Plan?

Download the white paper on “Transition 4.0: the push to the industrial fabric towards the fulfilment of the industry 4.0 paradigm” and sign up to the webinar we’ll hold together with Smactory, a software house specialized in the development of technologies for the industry 4.0, and Orrick, an international legal firm and leader in financial consulting in Italy, on July 6th at 17:00.

Take part in the digital transformation. We’ll wait for you!


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