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The Future of Fleet Management

Introduction The connected vehicle field is a microcosm of the IoT.  By using the potential of smart devices and of IoT connectivity, a connected vehicle not only can determine things such speed, location and temperature, but it also may interact with surrounding roads, buildings and other vehicles to provide near real-time information, improve safety and […]

Why We Love Hybrid Systems (And You Should, Too!)

Cloud vs On-Premise Systems Cloud solutions, and cloud-based ERP systems, have become much more popular in recent years - especially among small and midsize businesses - but there are many reasons why firms continue to choose traditional, on-premise systems. In this article we are going to analyze main motivation to use the one or the […]

IoT Platform: a brief introduction

"A control system ... would have allowed us to immediately understand the conditions of structures subject to possible catastrophes, and today would have allowed us to prevent many of the disasters that have occurred in recent times".   These are the words of the engineer. Paolo Persi del Marmo CEO of NTSG, a partner company […]



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