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GreenVulcano Technologies: Blockchain is not just bitcoin

When you want to continue to offer a valuable service over the years, in a competitive market such as technological innovation, one characteristic is that of being informed about the latest technologies and knowing how to anticipate trends. This is why we at GreenVulcano not only inform ourselves but try to understand the true essence […]

Why We Love Hybrid Systems (And You Should, Too!)

Cloud vs On-Premise Systems Cloud solutions, and cloud-based ERP systems, have become much more popular in recent years - especially among small and midsize businesses - but there are many reasons why firms continue to choose traditional, on-premise systems. In this article we are going to analyze main motivation to use the one or the […]

Make room for Industry 4.0

Industries are changing. They are becoming increasingly digital and interconnected, thanks to the evolution of old processes and the introduction of new technologies such as: Automation, Robotization, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data which together are helping to make industries more advanced. The fourth industrial revolution began in Italy, which is the second largest manufacturing country […]



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