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Research & Development during Covid19: beyond the lockdown. Interview with Mario Stefanutti

The R&D Lab in GreenVulcano is one of the most active “Made in Italy” technology research environments around. For more than 20 years, the research group has been extremely active in both the IT and tech innovation spaces. All this with a keen eye focused on the world of IoT and software integration. Today, we […]

How the Internet of Things is Helping Developing Countries

It has been over a decade since Internet of Things was first coined by Kevin Ashton. Since then, it has expanded alongside a growing technological hub spanning a diverse set of industries. In many ways it makes our everyday life more efficient, bridging the gap between physical objects with the collection and sharing of data […]

ESB in microservices era

  We live in a great era for the information technology. A lot of powerful tools allow us to build, deploy and scale, fast and easily, software and services or infrastructures: we can setup a cluster in few minutes (using an IaaS), through a SaaS configure our backend while technologies like real-time scaling allow Ops […]



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