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What’s business automation and why you should automate your business.

In a time where innovations permeate the market at great speed, increasingly revealing the difficulty of the human brain to keep up with the inflow of generated data, is still possible to ignore the need to automate some work activities? Can you be competitive in your market without exploiting the power of automation? A FEW DATA POINTS In […]

The future of IoT is written, are you ready?

Today IoT, acronym of Internet of things, is a widely understood concept both between private and enterprise actors. For those that still don’t know the meaning of IoT: IoT comprehend advanced technologies as hardware or platforms, that allows to connect things to internet and collect, send or analyze valuable information (think about a smart fridge: […]

The Future of Fleet Management

Introduction The connected vehicle field is a microcosm of the IoT.  By using the potential of smart devices and of IoT connectivity, a connected vehicle not only can determine things such speed, location and temperature, but it also may interact with surrounding roads, buildings and other vehicles to provide near real-time information, improve safety and […]



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