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Forse potrebbero interessarti questi articoli:
Digital twins: how to use it in your business

What are Digital Twins?   Basically, they are a digital duplicate of a physical thing, created using drones, lasers, ground robots, and photogrammetry. Digital twin technology is not a recent invention. The concept of pairing, traces its roots to the early days of space travel, when NASA built models

Research & Development during Covid19: beyond the lockdown. Interview with Mario Stefanutti

The R&D Lab in GreenVulcano is one of the most active “Made in Italy” technology research environments around. For more than 20 years, the research group has been extremely active in both the IT and tech innovation spaces. All this with a keen eye focused on the world of IoT and software integration. Today, we […]

Encontrack and GreenVulcano: let's talk with the CTO of Encontrack.

Today we want to talk about Encontrack, the leading Telematics Service Provider in the Mexican market. It counts 8 of the top 10 insurance companies as Insurance Telematics customers and offers Stolen Vehicle Recovery and Fleet services. It currently has 160,000 devices installed on cars and commercial vehicles.  But who is Encontrack? Let's hear what […]



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