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GreenVulcano BEST OF 2019

2019 was an important year for GreenVulcano Technologies! We have come of age and celebrated 18 years of success. We have grown a lot thanks to a magnificent and increasingly numerous team, constantly working in Rome, Naples and Boston. We have improved the technological core of our products and have undergone an important restyling. Our […]

The five industries that IOT is changing

IOT, or the Internet of Things, is taking the technology by storm. Technology is everywhere, and the future is digital. The future is more than just technology though, but technology has found its way into so many other aspects. How will the Internet of Things stretch farther than the world it was produced in? Learn […]

The Future of Fleet Management

Introduction The connected vehicle field is a microcosm of the IoT.  By using the potential of smart devices and of IoT connectivity, a connected vehicle not only can determine things such speed, location and temperature, but it also may interact with surrounding roads, buildings and other vehicles to provide near real-time information, improve safety and […]



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Rome Viale Giulio Cesare n. 14, 00192
Avellino Via Della Neve n.9, 83100


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