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The efficiency of Big Data and AI in creating more humane purchase experience - Part 1

As you can imagine from the title the topic of the next blogs is quite vast and complex and therefore we want to start with a simple example to introduce the subject even to the less experienced. You probably had this happen to you. Let’s say you are glancing at a pair of shoes from […]

ESB in microservices era

  We live in a great era for the information technology. A lot of powerful tools allow us to build, deploy and scale, fast and easily, software and services or infrastructures: we can setup a cluster in few minutes (using an IaaS), through a SaaS configure our backend while technologies like real-time scaling allow Ops […]

Composable Architecture: instructions for use

We live in uncertain times.  Volatility in terms of market, business, and customer needs has become a constant to contend with.  Covid19, the crisis in Ukraine, and the rapid advance of technological progress force us to ask a question: how do we design for a future that changes everyday?  One answer is Composable Architecture or […]



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