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Smart Working: things that experts say about new law, and you need to know (part 1)

OPEN SPACE's model seems to have failed. The open and shared workspace that appeared to be the answer to the solitary and alienating routine is not effective, and it also has deleterious effects on productivity. Spread in recent years to improve teamwork and encourage a constant stream of ideas among colleagues, it now seems to […]

Integration evolution: from point-to-point integration to ESB

Nowadays customers have a wide range of computer tools. This great variety of systems, enhanced by the continuous development of increasingly innovative software, makes the process of data synchronization, among  different applications, extremely difficult. SYSTEM INTEGRATION Given this variety it is absolutely advisable to work on system integration. System integration is the process by which […]

Automate your messages on LinkedIn in 7 simple steps!

Introduction In this article, you'll find out how I managed to contact 2067 people, open 113 new conversations about our new branded product to test and activated 2 new customers. An activity of this kind usually require a long time to identify contacts, create a personalized message and send it to all your targets: assuming […]



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