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To get locked-in or not to get locked-in? That is the question!

Have you ever heard of vendor lock-in? What is it and how can it become a commitment for suppliers and their customers? Often, the goal of suppliers is to solidify a direct, continuous, and trusting relationship and loyalty with their customers. This type of relationship, however, is not always easy to manage. The vendor lock-in […]

Things you want to know about Blockchain. Part 1

A Brief Historical Insight Blockchain has been developed by Satoshi Nakamoto as the underlying technology that operated Bitcoin. Since Bitcoin's birth many things have changed: one for all the realization that blockchain could be separated from the currency and used for all kinds of other interorganizational cooperation.

In the "last mile" of the IoT there is the future of companies that want to become "INNOVATIVE"

Make an inquiry. How might I take care of a business issue utilizing IoT? The appropriate response is straightforward: deploy IoT sensors all through the building, workforce and the fields, introduce entryways and perusers all through to gather the information from the sensors and drive it up to the cloud run machine learning or AI […]



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