Risultati di ricerca

The MIT Sloan CIO Symposium boost’s opportunity

The MIT Sloan CIO Symposium is the world most important conference for CIO’s and Digital Business Executives’. It’s a not-to-be-missed meeting, laden with strategic high value, which is  held in Boston every year since 2003. For a full day, Executives can discover the best innovations in the IT sector and exchange views with other specialists, […]

IOT: Internet Of Things. What’s that?

Internet Of Things, mostly called by its acronym IoT, is a market worth, only in Italy, almost 3 billion euros, registering a 40% growth during the last year. IoT is a term coined back in 1999, by Kevin Ashton (aged 49), a tech pioneer and visionary, founder of the Auto-ID Center research consortium, at MIT. […]

GreenVulcano, an excellence in the IoT landscape

The GreenVulcano Technologies group was born in 2001 as a brainchild of Ciro Romano and Gianfranco Iannello, former consultants for major companies, both Italian and foreigner, such as Telecom Italia, BLU e Q8. Their know-how merged into the new reality of GreenVulcano, a brand name decidedly oriented to convey their mission: combining their own 100% […]

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